NagradA Igorja Zabela 2024 / Seminar

NagradA Igorja Zabela 2024 / Seminar

Društvo Igor Zabel za kulturo in teorijo - Novice, 4. november 2024 ― Spremljevalni programa nagrade Igorja Zabela 2024, dvodnevni seminar, bo potekal 28. in 29. novembra v Moderni galeriji (MG+) in Muzeju sodobne umetnosti Metelkova (+MSUM) v Ljubljani. Prejemnice in prejemniki nagrade in štipendij Igorja Zabela bodo predstavili svoje delo ter razpravljali o zmožnostih umetnosti in teorije iz srednje, vzhodne in jugovzhodne Evrope in njunemu prispevku svetu v času zaostrenih kriz.
The Entire World as Our World

The Entire World as Our World

Društvo Igor Zabel za kulturo in teorijo - Novice, 3. december 2020 ― The international conference – prepared in collaboration with the Moderna galerija, Ljubljana – reconsiders the universal during the era of global capitalism and pandemic, and aims to rethink our common future and the presence of art in the (entire) world that is (not yet) our world. Speakers include: T. J. Demos, Boris Groys, ruangrupa, Apolonija Šušteršič, Alberto Toscano, and Alenka Zupančič.
The Entire World as Our World

The Entire World as Our World

Društvo Igor Zabel za kulturo in teorijo - Novice, 3. december 2020 ― The international conference – prepared in collaboration with the Moderna galerija, Ljubljana – reconsiders the universal during the era of global capitalism and pandemic, and aims to rethink our common future and the presence of art in the (entire) world that is (not yet) our world. Speakers include: T. J. Demos, Boris Groys, ruangrupa, Apolonija Šušteršič, Alberto Toscano, and Alenka Zupančič.
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