Celodnevni knjižniSejem na zraku

Celodnevni knjižniSejem na zraku

Dnevnik, 9. maj ― V parku Zvezda bo v nedeljo od jutra do večera potekal deveti knjižni Sejem na zraku. Dogodek s partnerji organizira pisarna Ljubljane, Unescovega mesta literature. Stojnice bo s svojo najboljšo ponudbo zapolnilo 60 založnikov in založnic, na...

CEI Award for Young Writers 2024 – Call for Applications

Društvo slovenskih pisateljev, 9. maj ― “Promoting young writers’ literary works and their circulation in the CEI region”  Call for Applications 2024  Overview The CEI Award for Young Writers is promoted by the Central European Initiative (CEI) and the Slovene Writers’ Association (SWA) within the Vilenica International Literary Festival. The Award aims at promoting the young generation of writers and supporting […]
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