ZEK Crew, 17. junij 2009 ― Unique lights recycled from spray cans. For the Light Guerilla competition. Chosen amongst 25 best entries, the lights were exhibited in Galerija Vžigalica.


ZEK Crew, 14. junij 2009 ― When it comes to display fonts, readability plays a more important role than legibility. The concept of distinguishability is not as critical as it is with typefaces, designed for body text. Display fonts are key factors of recognizability; this particular font is extremely widespread, mainly because of its “bullet-proof” character and accessibility. This enables a [...]

Case Study - Momentum brokeri d.o.o.

Via Negativa, 11. junij 2009 ― In approximately three weeks there was a noticeable increase in requests for information about our services , mainly due to the new and simplified business processes which were defined in the strategic plan (tradestation demo, a simplified process of opening a stock trading account, etc.). At present, three months later, we can safely say that the renovation project more that accomplished its goals (the investment quickly paid off, due to an increased demand for our services), which is cruicial for a company dealing with stock exchange at a time of a global financial crisis.

torek, 2.6.2009, TESTIRAJTE DLIB.SI V2!

NUK, 2. junij 2009 ― V juniju vas vabimo, da preizkusite NOVO verzijo portala Digitalne knjižnice Slovenije. Portal vam po novem prinaša prijaznejše iskanje in pregledovanje rezultatov ter pregledovalnik digitalnega gradiva. Iskanje po digitalni knjižnici lahko ukrojite po vaši meri, tako da uporabite “moj dLib”. Nova verzija deluje v testnem okolju, zato povezave do vseh gradiv zaradi zahtevnosti preurejanja metapodatkov še niso vzpostavljene (glej seznam dostopnih gradiv), prav tako še nista na voljo angleška stran in zavihek pomoč.
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