“Kako veš? | How do you Know? | Miből tudod?”

“Kako veš? | How do you Know? | Miből tudod?”

Cirkulacija 2, 9. januar ― Cirkulacija 2, Podhod Ajdovščina 2, 1000 Ljubljana https://maps.app.goo.gl/kGtQT1wz2DHJZFTn9 January 16 – February 5, 2025 Opening: Thursday, January 16, 2025 at 8 p. m. The project is supported by the City of Ljubljana, Department of Culture. Colin Black (AU/SI), sound art Zsuzsanna Szegedi-Varga (HU/US/SI), intermedia art Jaka Železnikar (SI), language art We invite you to the opening of the exhibition “Kako veš? | How do you Know? | Miből tudod?”, a joint work by an international trio ...


Cirkulacija 2, 29. december 2024 ― Podzemne mravljivce bomo z veseljem sprejele vaš koščk podpore s katerim bomo lahko lažje cirkulirale naprej. Ker si v prihajajočem letu želimo še več unikatnih trenutkov in cirkulacijskega rajanja opominjamo, da lahko 1% dohodnine donirate nevladnim organizacijam. Namenitev teh sredstev ne predstavlja dodatnih stroškov. Vse, kar rabite je nekaj minut, da izpolnite obrazec, ki ga dobite na naši spletni stani ali kar prek spletnega portala eDavki najkasneje do 31. 12. 2024. Naši podatki: DRUŠTVO...


Cirkulacija 2, 21. december 2024 ― We invite you to a pre-holiday surprise at the Cirkulacija 2 premises, on Monday, 23. 12. 2024 at 8 pm. We will pre-premiere a unique photo animation with accompanying music, which Marko Košnik realized based on an extensive collection of “walk – laps” photographs. He captured them during a continuous walk through the exhibition openings in some event spaces in Ljubljana, mainly in connection with the production activities of the Kersnikov Institute. He rounded up a significant part of t...
[petek trinajstega] USPAVANKA ZA CIRKULACIJO III. + Motherless Children in Yerevan

[petek trinajstega] USPAVANKA ZA CIRKULACIJO III. + Motherless Children in Yerevan

Cirkulacija 2, 12. december 2024 ― LULLABY FOR CIRKULACIJA III. + Motherless Children in Yerevan date: 13/12/2024 place: Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina underpass Ljubljana -> backstage start: > 20:00 / with direct streaming to Yerevan/ Armenia artists: Marko Batista – sound roar Elvin Brandhi – coup de voix Marko Batista: The moles encountered strange box-like formations buried deep beneath the concrete surface. At first they thought they were forgotten roots, but when they touched them, the concrete vibrated in an unusual rh...
V ritmu algoritma

V ritmu algoritma

Cirkulacija 2, 8. december 2024 ― Comedy of (artificial) intelligence We are inviting you to the first replay of the theatrical-improvisational show In the rhythm of the algorithm, on friday, 20. 12. 2024 at 20.00 in Cirkulacija². Will the machines one day beat us to it and even push us out? With the help of artificial intelligence, will we upgrade ourselves in superhumans, so that the difference between man and machine will virtually disappear? Or will artificial intelligence just wipe out millions of jobs and deepen economic differences...

[vabilo] Sejem umetnin ART-MUS

Cirkulacija 2, 2. december 2024 ― Spoštovani/a, z velikim veseljem vas vabimo na 10. sejem umetnin ART-MUS, ki bo letos ponovno združil ljubitelje umetnosti, ustvarjalce in strokovnjake v edinstvenem prostoru, kjer se umetnost prepleta z navdihom. ART-MUS je skozi desetletje postal osrednje stičišče umetnikov, zbirateljev, galeristov in ljubiteljev umetnosti. Ob letošnjem jubileju smo pripravili raznolik program, ki poudarja pomen umetnosti v naši družbi in spodbuja njen razvoj. Poudarki programa: Dnevna svetovanja z umetnostnimi s...
[predstavitev] Kako veš – preden veš?

[predstavitev] Kako veš – preden veš?

Cirkulacija 2, 26. november 2024 ― Thursday, November 28 at 20:00 | Cirkulacija 2, Podhod Ajdovščina 2, Ljubljana, https://maps.app.goo.gl/kGtQT1wz2DHJZFTn9 How do you know – before you know? Colin Black (AU/SI), sound art Zsuzsanna Szegedi-Varga (HU/US/SI), intermedia arts Jaka Železnikar (SI), e-literature We invite you to an international cross-cultural and multimedia event, where a trio of authors, gathered not in a group, but in a band, will present their past individual activities, which in 2022 became intertwined in a jo...
[cofestival] Sanja Nešković Peršin: Trenutek pred tem

[cofestival] Sanja Nešković Peršin: Trenutek pred tem

Cirkulacija 2, 18. november 2024 ― Monday, 25 November at 7:00 pm at Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina underpass, Ljubljana Sanja Nešković Peršin: The Moment Before (2024) artist intervention Duration: 30 min. Free entry Sanja Nešković Peršin in collaboration with film artist Atej Tutta offers us a possible key to contemplate her dancing, as it is submerged into a precisely sculpted audio-visual atmosphere. What is the body as a screen and what does it actually contain when it is embodied in a dance act? What is the body as a piece of optica...
The Silent Movies: Po zabavi | After the Party

The Silent Movies: Po zabavi | After the Party

Cirkulacija 2, 13. november 2024 ― On Thursday, 14th November 2024 at 19.00, you are invited to Alkatraz Gallery, Metelkova Mesto, to the opening of the video-sound installation After the Party The Silent Movies: Borut Savski and Francisco Tomsich The Alkatraz Gallery is open from Monday to Friday between 12:00 and 18:00 Francisco Tomsich: After Party is an interactive immersive installation and an ever-changing endless concert, an ecosystem of sound and projected moving images that explores the metaphor of resonance both spatially and conce...
Neža Knez v sodelovanju s Tatiano Kocmur in Tinom Dožićem

Neža Knez v sodelovanju s Tatiano Kocmur in Tinom Dožićem

Cirkulacija 2, 1. november 2024 ― Research work in progress: The distance we share Neža Knez in collaboration with Tatiana Kocmur and Tino Dožić Wednesday, 6th November; joint dinner and reading at 6:30 p.m Friday, 8th November; guidance through research materials at 7:00 p.m Cirkulacija 2 opens space for artists to explore and test materials and media, which will be realized in their final form in December through a performance and exhibition in GT22 (Maribor). The artists and the artist cook, listen, observe, combine, quote, assemble a...
Antez: “No Es” [dekstrocentrično kroženje]

Antez: “No Es” [dekstrocentrično kroženje]

Cirkulacija 2, 27. oktober 2024 ― Wednesday, 30th October 2024 at 20:00 in Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina subway Ljubljana Antez: “No Es” The sound sculptor, architect and percussionist from Grenoble will perform his dextrocentric circulation in Cirkulacija2, which he has been developing for about fifteen years. While circling to the right around the axis or horizontally placed large drum, he pushes a set of objects of various shapes and materials along its membrane. Pushing during circulation is a continuous movement that enables the vib...
[disrupeak] Umetniški disruptiv = vrhunec

[disrupeak] Umetniški disruptiv = vrhunec

Cirkulacija 2, 11. oktober 2024 ― Friday, 25th October 2024 at 19.00  invited to Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina subway Ljubljana, to the climax of a two-week old/new disruptions in arts Disrupeak  Points (are really lines; broken or not; can intersect…): Vlado Repnik and Marko Batista: KINESISMIMESIS / performance l’ouverture Mija: SILVER IMAGES / first solo exhibition Simon Svetlik, Jurij Podgoršek, Tatiana Kocmur, Mija: VIDEOSTEW / “Sunbathing the Shadows” Sanja Simić: VEGEGAZAMEZE / culinary education Ju...
[ekskluzivno=inkluzivno] EDEN – LORIOT – TANTANOSI trio in IRENA TOMAŽIN

[ekskluzivno=inkluzivno] EDEN – LORIOT – TANTANOSI trio in IRENA TOMAŽIN

Cirkulacija 2, 28. september 2024 ― On Sunday, September 29th at 8:00 pm in Cirkulacija2, Ajdovščina underpass, Ljubljana: a concert: Eden – Loriot – Tantanozi trio with Irena Tomažin Philipp Eden – piano Marina Tantanozi – flutes Frantz Loriot – viola ​ Trio explores the intensity of sound as a gesture, in a solely acoustic context; a gesture informed by the awareness of space, physicality, dense listening and an allover ease. By letting their respective perceptions play a part in the common processi...
[v petek] Pau Delgado Iglesias – PRISLUHNI / LISTEN

[v petek] Pau Delgado Iglesias – PRISLUHNI / LISTEN

Cirkulacija 2, 27. september 2024 ― V petek, 27. septembra 2024 ob 19:30 vabljeni v Cirkulacijo 2, Podhod Ajdovščina 2, 1000 Ljubljana, na prikaz 3D video-dela  Pau Delgado Iglesias PRISLUHNI / LISTEN 3D video delo Pau Delgado Iglesias Prisluhni se ukvarja z medvrstnimi študijami in odnosi z nečloveškimi živalmi. Razstava je organizirana v okviru rezidenčnega programa umetnikov „Algia“ KUD Boja (Izola). Pau Delgado Iglesias (Urugvaj) je vizualna umetnica in raziskovalka. Je profesorica na Fakulteti za umetnost Nacionalne ...
O = Kržišnik, Podgoršek, Fukuhara, Svetlik

O = Kržišnik, Podgoršek, Fukuhara, Svetlik

Cirkulacija 2, 21. september 2024 ― Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. in Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina subway Ljubljana:  O “There is nothing more interesting than the constant exploration of the strange paths of freedom. We are in an open and slippery space, where the image of freedom flows from one form to another. The border between the living and the technological fades, deliberation and mechanical determinism shatter against the unpredictability of the present moment. So , always anew, we discover aliveness in technologi...
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