[disrupcija] Derganc Filipčič: Dr. Kegler / poldrugi drugi del

[disrupcija] Derganc Filipčič: Dr. Kegler / poldrugi drugi del

Cirkulacija 2, 11. oktober ― On Tuesday, the 22nd of October 2024 at 20:00 – invited again to Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina underpass Ljubljana, to a public listening of the cult radio play Dr. Kegler created in 1979, it is a tragicomedy, the first Slovenian multi-drama with Marko A. Derganc in all roles, and the libretto was written by Emil Filipčič. Disruptively, we will play this eternally relevant tragicomedy in three acts in two parts of an act and a half. Free entry, no exit! No translation! /no one will escape the re...
[ekskluzivno=inkluzivno] EDEN – LORIOT – TANTANOSI trio in IRENA TOMAŽIN

[ekskluzivno=inkluzivno] EDEN – LORIOT – TANTANOSI trio in IRENA TOMAŽIN

Cirkulacija 2, 28. september ― On Sunday, September 29th at 8:00 pm in Cirkulacija2, Ajdovščina underpass, Ljubljana: a concert: Eden – Loriot – Tantanozi trio with Irena Tomažin Philipp Eden – piano Marina Tantanozi – flutes Frantz Loriot – viola ​ Trio explores the intensity of sound as a gesture, in a solely acoustic context; a gesture informed by the awareness of space, physicality, dense listening and an allover ease. By letting their respective perceptions play a part in the common processi...
[v petek] Pau Delgado Iglesias – PRISLUHNI / LISTEN

[v petek] Pau Delgado Iglesias – PRISLUHNI / LISTEN

Cirkulacija 2, 27. september ― V petek, 27. septembra 2024 ob 19:30 vabljeni v Cirkulacijo 2, Podhod Ajdovščina 2, 1000 Ljubljana, na prikaz 3D video-dela  Pau Delgado Iglesias PRISLUHNI / LISTEN 3D video delo Pau Delgado Iglesias Prisluhni se ukvarja z medvrstnimi študijami in odnosi z nečloveškimi živalmi. Razstava je organizirana v okviru rezidenčnega programa umetnikov „Algia“ KUD Boja (Izola). Pau Delgado Iglesias (Urugvaj) je vizualna umetnica in raziskovalka. Je profesorica na Fakulteti za umetnost Nacionalne ...
O = Kržišnik, Podgoršek, Fukuhara, Svetlik

O = Kržišnik, Podgoršek, Fukuhara, Svetlik

Cirkulacija 2, 21. september ― Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 8:00 p.m. in Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina subway Ljubljana:  O “There is nothing more interesting than the constant exploration of the strange paths of freedom. We are in an open and slippery space, where the image of freedom flows from one form to another. The border between the living and the technological fades, deliberation and mechanical determinism shatter against the unpredictability of the present moment. So , always anew, we discover aliveness in technologi...
Daniel Leber – PSYCHO SOMA

Daniel Leber – PSYCHO SOMA

Cirkulacija 2, 5. september ― On Monday, 9th September 2024 from 5 pm onwards we invite you to Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina underpass Ljubljana, to attend the opening of the interactive project Daniel Leber – PSYCHO SOMA The exhibition will be open from 9 – 14 September from 17.00 to 20.00. The Psycho Soma interactive project is an invitation to reflect on the nature of drawing. Starting from the semantic differences between the English terms labyrinth and maze, and using ideas from the Surrealists’ automatic drawing ...
Vida Vojić :: DRUGAČEN GROOVE JE MOŽEN! [s kolegi poeti…]

Vida Vojić :: DRUGAČEN GROOVE JE MOŽEN! [s kolegi poeti…]

Cirkulacija 2, 25. avgust ― Vida is back in Ljubljana for her sixth project in Cirkulacija 2. Vida Vojić aka vida voyage, is a music and performance artist, ‘alchemical drummer’ and writer from Gothenburg, Sweden. She will present her work in Cirkulacija 2 on Saturday, 31st of August 2024 at 19.00. In the first “beatnik” part she will perform together with Slovene poets: Pino Pograjc, Lara Božak and Veronika Razpotnik. The main part of the evening is Vida’s further dev...
[vnebovzetje] Umetnost je poletna pisarna

[vnebovzetje] Umetnost je poletna pisarna

Cirkulacija 2, 29. julij ― »Art is a Summer Office« Tuesday, august 6th 2024 to Thrusday, august 15th (and in the days in-between – see the board below!) kindly invited to Cirkulacija 2, Ajdovščina underpass Ljubljana,  to the nine days’ of  intermedia studio »Art is a Summer Office« in coproduction of artgroup rgb and Cirkulacija 2. Summer Office openning: Tuesday, august 6th 2024 at 21hwith performance by Ryuzo Fukuhara at the 79th anniversary of Hiroshima bomb. follow ups: Friday,  9. august 2024 at 21:00: S...

Radart #15: Raz(n)čaranje

Cirkulacija 2, 22. junij ― V petek, 28. junija 2024 ob 20.00 vas RADAR – Open Radio Investigative Art Platform + Cirkulacija2 + Radio Študent 89,3 MHz vabimo na magični dogodek Raz(n)čaranje. Radijska umetniško-teoretska eksperimentalna platforma R A D A R vabi na...


Cirkulacija 2, 13. maj ― poskus nekega dotika premiere predstav v Cirkulaciji² v Ljubljani: • torek, 21. maj 2024 ob 20h • petek, 24. maj 2024 ob 20h • sobota, 25. maj 2024 ob 20h • torek, 28. maj 2024 ob 20h • četrtek, 30. maj 2024 ob 20h trajanje:52 minut, obdobje: zero/0...
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