Knjižne novosti po Frankfurtu
Goriška knjižnica Franceta Bevka,
9. december 2024
Kar nekaj knjižnih novosti s sejma Frankfurt po Frankfurtu je zaneslo tudi v našo knjižnico: za ustvarjalce s spretnimi rokami, za tiste, ki se radi znajdejo digitalno, za radovedne in ljubiteljske naravoslovce, za popotnike … Je tudi vaše naslednje branje med njimi?
Nekaj naslovov sicer še čakamo, s klikom na seznamu pa lahko preverite, če je knjiga dostopna.
Pamela Baker: ChatGPT for dummies Advolly Richmond: A short history of flowers : the stories that make our gardens Emily Mroczek: Online instruction : a practical guide for librarians Rachel Tidd: Wild learning : practical ideas to bring teaching outdoors M. Leader, J. Cunningham: Ghibliotheque : an unofficial guide to the movies of Studio Ghibli Martin Röcken: Color atlas of dermatology Clifford A.Pickover: Artificial intelligence : an illustrated history : from medieval robots to neural networks Donald A. Barclay: Disinformation : the nature of facts and lies in the post-truth era R. Lücking, T. Spribille: The lives of lichens : a natural history Ximena Nelson: The lives of spiders : a natural history of the world's spiders T. Laier, K. Laier: Projects in leather : techniques, patterns, and step-by-step instructions for making over 20 projects with endless variations T. Jackson, J. Parker: Plankton : a worldwide guide Sarah-Jane Hicks: Mini amigurumi nativity : crochet the Christmas story K. Yefimova, O. Chemerys: Amigurumi gnomes : 24 crochet patterns for every season Susanne Pypke: Pom-pom birds : craft an artisan yarn flock Annmarie Hanlon: Digital business : strategy, management & transformation A. Claussen, A. Rosen: Nuclear disasters : Fukushima & Chernobyl Joseph Bindloss: The travel hack handbook : how to make the most of your trip for your budget Julie Blundon Nash: Nature-based play Therapy