The Choral Echo of Ljubka’s Trail

Forum slovanskih kultur, 31. januar ― You are cordially invited to a concert of children’s and youth choirs performing the poetry of Ljubka Šorli. The concert will take place on Wednesday, 19 February 2025, at 7 p.m. in the Lojze Bratuž Cultural Centre. The event, held as part of the cross-border Interreg SPF Italy-Slovenia project Ljubka’s Trail, combines the purity of young […]

Forum of Slavic Cultures Concludes Jubilee Year with a Festive Event

Forum slovanskih kultur, 11. januar ― January 9, 2025, Ljubljana – To mark the New Year, the Forum of Slavic Cultures (FSK) held its traditional New Year’s reception, bringing together colleagues, partners, and friends. This year’s event was particularly special, as it celebrated the Forum’s 20th anniversary. Organized in collaboration with the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, the reception took place […]

Usposabljanje za turistične vodnike na Ljubkini poti

Forum slovanskih kultur, 28. december 2024 ― V okviru projekta Ljubkina pot, čezmejna literarna pot poezije in enakopravnosti, ki ga financira Evropska unija, partnerja Forum slovanskih kultur in Kulturni center Lojze Bratuž vodita usposabljanja za turistične vodnike, ki se bodo nadaljevala že  11. Januarja 2025 v Novi Gorici. Toratni modul predavanj bo posvečen predstavitvam protagonistke Ljubke Šorli in pisateljic Goriške, zgodovini regije in praktičnim vajam vodenja po Ljubkini poti.
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