Friday or “The calm before the storm” (of emotions) //PIFlog, Day 6

Friday or “The calm before the storm” (of emotions) //PIFlog, Day 6

PIFcamp, 6. avgust 2022 ― Thursday took its toll, at least on the most persistent ravers and the drink supplies. The PIFlogger didn’t spare any energy either, so she’s using visual materials to help her gather her impressions today. So what did Friday looks like at PIFcamp? Friday is the day when PIFers have one last time to try out … Continue reading Friday or “The calm before the storm” (of emotions) //PIFlog, Day 6 The post Friday or “The calm before the storm” (of emotions) //PIFlog, Day 6 appeared first on PIFcamp.

Pod istim soncem

Knjižnica Postojna, 6. avgust 2022 ― Projekt "POD ISTIM SONCEM", ki povezuje besedno, glasbeno in likovno umetnost v letošnjem letu predstavlja izbor armenskih in tatarskih ljudskih pesmi v prir. prof. harmonike in skladatelja Corrada Rojaca. Trio Žarek (ali Raggio v it.), ki je začel delovati v okviru tržaškega konservatorija Giuseppe Tartini, vam jih bo predstavil v njihovi glasbeni podobi. Dogodek bo, v nedeljo,  7. avgusta, ob 18. uri pred našo knjižnico. Razstava slik pa bo na ogled v še do 22. avgusta.
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