11. Luksuz festival poceni filma

Ekran, 12. oktober 2013 ― Luksuz produkcija DZMP prireja 11. Luksuz festival poceni filma, ki se bo odvijal 11. in 12. oktobra 2013 v Mladinskem centru Krško (Cesta krških žrtev 105). Na festivalu bodo predstavili kratkometražno in nizkoproračunsko produkcijo igranih, dokumentarnih in animiranih filmov predvsem mladih in še ne uveljavljenih ustvarjalcev. V tekmovalni program se je uvrstilo 46 kratkih filmov iz petnajstih različnih držav. 

30 let Gledališča Sester Scipion Nasice

Radio Študent, 12. oktober 2013 ― SCIPION NASICE SISTERS THEATER 1983-1987 THE FOUNDING ACT The Scipion Nasice Sisters Theater was founded today, October 13, pursuant to his founding act. The theatre has no stage. The aim of the Scipion Nasice Sisters Theater is to revive the dramatic arts. Revival is a call for unity, which is why the Scipion Nasice Sister Theater fits into any theatrical institution. Its activities are limited to a period of four years. The self-abolition of the Scipion Nasice Sisters Theater is scheduled for 1987. The retro-production of the Scipion Nasice Sisters Theater is determined by its four-year activity and program organization, which is divided into manifestative external and creative internal parts. The external part embraces acts of appearance, resurrection and self-destruction. Appearance, whose function is to propagate the idea, will begin in November 1983 with the first Sisters letter and will last four years. The act of resurrection will be performed in October, 1984. The act of sel

A Sense of Time

Prepih ~ Draft (Tea Hvala), 12. oktober 2013 ― Below is my essay, written for Maja Delak's solo performance What If? It was published in the performance catalogue, released on October 3rd 2013 - the day of the premiere at Old Power Station – Elektro Ljubljana as part of the City of Women festival. The Slovene version of the essay is here. Photos from the premiere can be seen here (FB). Normal 0 21

Čut za čas

Prepih ~ Draft (Tea Hvala), 12. oktober 2013 ― Esej Čut za čas sem napisala za katalog solistične plesne predstave Maje Delak Kaj če. Izšel je ob premieri, 3. oktobra 2013, ki je v okviru festivala Mesto žensk potekala v Stari elektrarni v Ljubljani. Angleško verzijo eseja lahko preberete tukaj, fotografije Nade Žgank s premiere pa so na voljo na Facebooku. Normal 0 21 false false false

ZELENO SONCE 359; Dust Yourself off

Radio Študent, 12. oktober 2013 ― POSLUŠAMO: 1.) CALIBRO 35: Any Resemblance to actual facts is purely coincidental 2.) BLUE MITCHELL: Swahili Suite 3.) MONTEGO JOE: Fat Man 4.) HERB ALPERT: Summertime 5.) SOUL SMOKERS: Soul Smoking 6.) PLEASURE: Dust yourself off 7.) YAN TREGER: Black & Blue 8.) SIEGFRID SCHWAB: Getting High 9.) EDDIE MOBLEY: Stick It in Your Earhole 10.) CEDAR WALTON: Road Island Red

Mesto za ljudi in robote

MMC Drugo, 12. oktober 2013 ― Mesto, v katerem je ljudi toliko kot robotov. Ti nakupujejo, vozijo avtomobile, sprehajajo pse. Takšna je prihodnost, kot jo vidi japonski inženir in profesor robotike Hiroši Išiguro, gost festivala . . .

Na hitro prelistano: Novosti na domačem knjižnem trgu

Misli, 12. oktober 2013 ― Ljubljana, 12. oktobra (STA) – Pri Modrijanu so izdali delo francoskih novinark Daniele Granet in Catherine Lamour Velike in male skrivnosti sveta umetnosti, pri založbi KUD Apokalipsa pa Spomine na Ano Frank Miep Gies in Alison Leslie Gold. Založba Mladika je izdala roman Alojza Rebule Pred poslednjim dnevom, založba Učila International pa roman Cassandre Clare [...]
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