PIFcamp is in full swing! //PIFlog, Day 2

PIFcamp is in full swing! //PIFlog, Day 2

PIFcamp, 2. avgust 2022 ― According to PIFcamp regulars, the workshop schedule on the first day filled up the fastest ever.This is perhaps not so surprising, given rapid response is encoded in the nature of live coders, who are probably the most numerous community at this year’s PIFcamp. Monday was therefore more or less spent live coding: PIFparticipants were invited … Continue reading PIFcamp is in full swing! //PIFlog, Day 2 The post PIFcamp is in full swing! //PIFlog, Day 2 appeared first on PIFcamp.


Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj-Ormož, 2. avgust 2022 ― Razstava Velika Nedelja skozi stoletja bo do 15. 8. 2022 za obiskovalce zaprta zaradi priprave posodobitve razstave. Ogled etnološke zbirke poteka nemoteno. The post Obvestilo appeared first on PMPO.

Vitrina meseca avgusta

Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj-Ormož, 2. avgust 2022 ― Študijski krožek Ljudske univerze Ormož: Oblikovanje nakita iz fimo mase Ljudska univerza Ormož organizira v okviru svojih dejavnosti že vrsto let (od leta 1993) študijske krožke, ki so zelo priljubljena oblika učenja – privlačna mešanica svobode in pravil, učenja in druženja, resnosti in veselja. Delavnico je vodila Andreja Mežnarič, ki je prikazala različne tehnike izdelovanja […] The post Vitrina meseca avgusta appeared first on PMPO.
PIFcamp started and the first day went by in the blink of an eye!

PIFcamp started and the first day went by in the blink of an eye!

PIFcamp, 2. avgust 2022 ― The 8th edition of PIFcamp will take us into the world of live-coding, lasers, prototyping, noise, more or less rhythmic sounds, community projects, and the endless possibilities of exploration. More than sixty participants have made their way to Soca. The day started with a lot of work, setting up tables, setting up the tent, and … Continue reading PIFcamp started and the first day went by in the blink of an eye! The post PIFcamp started and the first day went by in the blink of an eye! appeared first on PIFcamp.
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