Aurelio in godba ljudstva Garifuna

Aurelio in godba ljudstva Garifuna

Radio Študent, 21. januar 2017 ― V oddaji izčrpneje predstavljamo Aurelia Martineza, po smrti Andyja Palacia (pri nas videnega na Drugi godbi leta 2007) najvidnejšega glasnika kulture ljudstva Garifuna, potomcev afriških sužnjev, ki so se naselili v Srednji Ameriki. Aurelio, sicer doma iz Hondurasa, po nastopu na Drugi godbi leta 2012 prihaja spet k nam, in sicer na Cankarjeve torke (24. 1. 2017). Vrteli bomo njegov čisto svež album Darandi (izšel je pred dvema dnevoma, 20. 1., pri založbi Real World), na katerem je znova posnel svoje najljubše pesmi. Sukamo še njegovega pokojnega kolega Andyja Palacia, kakor tudi Palaciovo zasedbo The Garifuna Collective, ki je po njegovi prezgodnji smrti nadaljevala z delom. Proti koncu oddaje z enim komadom Salifa Keite napovedujemo njegov bližajoči se nastop na Glasbah sveta (8. 2. 2017).   SEZNAM SKLADB ZA ODDAJO GLOBALUNA 22. 01. 2017 Aurelio: Darandi (Real World, 2016)/ 1. Dondo (3'16'')   Andy Palacio & The Garifuna Collective: Wátina (Cumbancha, 2007)/ 1. Wátina (I Called Out) (4'45'') Aurelio: Darandi (Real World, 2016)/ 3. Yange (4'12'') Aurelio: Darandi (Real World, 2016)/ 4. Laru Beya (3'55'') Aurelio: Darandi (Real World, 2016)/ 6. Dugu (4'53'')   The Garifuna Collective: Ayó (Stonetree Records/Cumbancha, 2013)/ 11. Alagan (3'09'') The Garifuna Collective: Ayó (Stonetree Records/Cumbancha, 2013)/ 12. Seremei Buguya (4'19'') Aurelio: Darandi (Real World, 2016)/ 8. Landini (3'43'') Aurelio: Darandi (Real World, 2016)/ 10. Narigolu (5'26'')   Salif Keita: Talé (Universal, 2012)/ 1. Da (3'54'') Aurelio: Darandi (Real World, 2016)/ 11. Lumalali limaniga (4'38'')
Pankracij, krvavi šport antične Grčije

Pankracij, krvavi šport antične Grčije

Zgodovina na dlani, 21. januar 2017 ― Pankracij (pankration), danes bi ga poimenovali mešane borilne veščine (MMA), je edina športna panoga, ki ni dobila mesta na modernih olimpijskih igrah. Ko danes govorimo o zgodovini telesne kulture oziroma športa, ne moremo mimo antične Grčije. V zadnjem tisočletju pred našim štetjem se je na polotoku postopno oblikovala polisna ureditev … Preberi The post Pankracij, krvavi šport antične Grčije appeared first on Zgodovina na dlani.
Mark Ernestus' Ndagga Rhythm Force: Yermande

Mark Ernestus' Ndagga Rhythm Force: Yermande

Radio Študent, 21. januar 2017 ― Ndagga, 2016 V oddaji smo pregledali kratko zgodovino nemško-senegalskega sodelovanja pri projektu Mark Ernestus' Ndagga Rhythm Force med leti 2008 in 2017. Mark Ernestus je itak lik berlinske elektronike, ki je v zadnjih letih minimal techno zamenjal za dub priredbe poliritme mbalaxa, popularnega Senegalskega žanra mešanice Wolofskih besedil, kubanskih vplivov in ljudskih glasbil (sabar, "talking drum", ...) in zahodnjaških amplificiranih instrumentov (Fender Stratocaster, klaviature, ...).  Več o žanru mbalax in njegovi popularnosti od sedemdesetih let naprej pove Mark Ernestus: ali pa Eunice N. Sahle v knjigi Globalization and Socio-Cultural Processes in Contemporary Africa: Sicer pa je v vzponu tudi mbalax rap: Albumska diskografija založbe Ndagga: - Mark Ernestus Presents Jeri-Jeri - 800% Ndagga (2013) - Mark Ernestus presents Jeri-Jeri - Ndagga Versions (2013) - Mark Ernestus’ Ndagga Rhythm Force - Yermande (2016) Tracklist: 1. Lamb Ji 8:07 2. Walo Walo 7:32 3. Simb 6:42 4. Jigeen 6:34 5. Ndiguel 6:11 6. Yermande (Kick And Bass Mix) 6:10


Sodobna umetnost (Aljoša Abrahamsberg), 21. januar 2017 ― Horse power: The Poetics of Movement is an intermedia situation established so that one can reflect on technological progress in the post-humanistic context. The horse in the installation is a hybrid robot (hybrot) with perception and movement intelligence that is powered by a bioreactor. In opposition to cyborgs (organisms equipped with electronic extensions) the hybrot is an organism created from equal shares of electronic and biological elements. The hybrot is neither alive nor dead, it lies somewhere in between, somewhere where neither life nor death count, in a space governed by categories that are beyond human range. The bioreactor is fuelled by the chemical processes in the rotting meat which cause the changes in the impedance or in the ratio between the alternating current and the current in the electric circle. The hybrot is a technical, scientific and cultural problem that addresses experimental science on three levels. The first problem deals with establishing a stabile chamber, which would, through chemical reactions, produce not merely electrical current (volts) but also a sufficient flow rate (amperes) to put the horse in motion. The second problem is of a mechanical or construction nature, for the materials need to be extremely light if we wish to have the slightest chance of moving the horse with the small electric current that is produced by the bioreactor. The third problem is how to develop the hybrot in the direction of an independent, self-sufficient moving-touching object, which does not merely move, but also responds to its environment with ultrasonic and infrared sensors. The bioreactor in the installation includes decaying meat, which is not viewed from the position of fear, but from the position of its potential. In this installation the fear that a person feels when confronting unpredictable nature and inevitable death, is used as a capacity for new life, in a new temporal and logical succession. The term horse power is not applicable mere
Ene sorte naslov

Ene sorte naslov

Radio Študent, 21. januar 2017 ― PLEJLISTA:  01. Little Simz -  Shotgun (feat. Syd)  02. Little Simz -  Doorways + Trust Issues  03. Latasha Alcindor -  INNATE PARANOIA.  [B(LA)K.]  04. Latasha Alcindor -  Fingerscrossed.  05. Latasha Alcindor -  Queso.  06. Latasha Alcindor -  trust.  07. Latasha Alcindor -  I was 15. ft. Katie Jones  08. Diamanda Galas -  My World Is Empty Without You  [intervju]  09. Vorhees -  Black Horse Pike  10. Bastien Keb -  Pick Up  11. Clap! Clap! -  Ar-Raqis  12. Clap! Clap! - 'Nguwe' feat. Bongeziwe Mabandla  13. Dominowe -  Umthakathi  14. Tornado Wallace -  Singing Planet  15. Robert Palmer -  John and Mary Thnx Hrvoje :)     Naslovna slika: KaktusKaktus


Radio Študent, 21. januar 2017 ― Poslušali bomo 14. edicijo kompilacije Skannibal party, ki jo izdaja založba Mad Butcher, oziroma njena podzaložba Black Butcher records!
ZELENO SONCE: Ljetne skice

ZELENO SONCE: Ljetne skice

Radio Študent, 21. januar 2017 ― STANTON MOORE: Falling Off the Floor SOUL AVENGERS: Afro Funk Instrumental MARDI GRAS.BB: What About You, Sam? MIKE NOCK: Space Boogaloo JAZZ Q: Wizard CLIVE HICKS: Think Twice JOHNNY GUITAR WATSON: Superman Lover PLESNI ORKESTER RTV ZAGREB: Ljetne skice PACIFIC EXPRESS: How It Used To Be DJ AEON SEVEN: Funky Furious AVERAGE WHITE BAND: School Boy Crush GRITS: Boom Boom BEAU DOLLAR: Who Knows
Show 618: LANDUNTER by LASSE-MARC RIEK for radiox

Show 618: LANDUNTER by LASSE-MARC RIEK for radiox

Radio Študent, 21. januar 2017 ― radia season 38 - show #618 (radio x) - LANDUNTER - playing from January 30 to February 5, 2017 - LANDUNTER by LASSE-MARC RIEK Unfathomable Sea! whose waves are years, / Ocean of Time, whose waters of deep woe / Are brackish with the salt of human tears! / Thou shoreless flood, which in thy ebb and flow Claspest the limits of mortality, / And sick of prey, yet howling on for more, / Vomitest thy wrecks on its inhospitable shore; / Treacherous in calm, and terrible in storm, / Who shall put forth on thee, / Unfathomable Sea? [Percy Bhysse Shelley: Time. From: "Posthumous Poems", Ed. by Mary Shelley, 1824] LANDUNTER, two words merged into one: "Land unter!", "Land submerged". The howling winds are announcing a storm. Its ravenous anger will stir up the sea; waves raising high, hitting the coast, covering the land. "Land unter!" Sure, they’ve taken measures to break the forces, and for some decades, at least it would seem so, with reasonable success. However, in the meantime – sick of prey, yet howling for more – they forgot about other measures that should have been taken, so the winds became stronger and the waters rose. And the waves are singing. Sooner or later the island will be literally gnawed down and eaten up by the winds and the sea and sink forever in the ocean of time. The sounds of LANDUNTER have been, in major parts, recorded on Helgoland. No known connection between the poet and the island. Except perhaps that after decades of being a sport of desires handed back and forth between different nations Hel(i)goland went from Denmark to Britain in the very year when Percy Bhysse Shelley left his pregnant wife for Mary Wollstonecraft – but that's of course another story. Just as the fact he later would himself drown in another sea, terrible in storm - in a custom made boat about which Mary would later say it had never been seaworthy. As so many boats sinking there these days, but under considerably different conditions. Ah, a propos the inh
Show 617: JetFM_Nom de code villa B

Show 617: JetFM_Nom de code villa B

Radio Študent, 21. januar 2017 ― Radia Show 617 (english below) Nom de Code : Villa B par Christophe Havard & Fabrice Arnaud-Crémon pour Jet FM (Nantes, FR) Composition pour dispositif électro-acoustique et clarinette, enregistrée en binaural pendant le festival Sonor le 15 octobre 2016 à Nantes.   La rencontre d'un espace et l'évidence d'une obsession. L’espace est un bunker, situé à Saint Marc sur mer, dans lequel Christophe Havard a longtemps enregistré seul ou parfois accompagné, notamment du clarinettiste Fabrice Arnaud-Crémon. Il extraira de ce lieu les éléments sonores qui constituent le corps principal de la composition : des sons épais et harmoniques dus aux matériaux métalliques incrustés dans l’architecture, des jeux plus subtils d’espaces révélés par les effets de résonance, des évocations de présences humaines (respirations, déplacements, souffles, voix hésitantes,...). “Quand j'enregistre dans un espace tel que celui-ci je le considère comme un personnage de fiction. Je le guette, il me hante, nous nous tournons autour. Ses sols et ses murs deviennent organiques, lentement je les lèche de mes oreilles: sans le son, que serait l'architecture, quelle notion aurions-nous des distances, des mouvements, des textures, de la densité de l'air ? D'où l'obsession, toujours la même. Vouloir baigner à l'intérieur d'un chant sonore qui caresse le corps. J'aime quand le son me touche, parfois avec effleurement et parfois avec force. Le son est à la fois une masse et un souffle sensuel. Ici, l'espace est révélé par un clarinettiste marcheur, écoutant et souffleur. Il nous montre le lieu, joue avec, l'accompagne, se laisse porter par lui et s'y perd. Et si ces espaces sonores se mettaient à jouer de nous, à créer un léger chaos, à devenir des miroirs déformants, des réalités improbables.” Christophe Havard. Pour que l’expérience d’écoute soit enveloppante, en relief et sensible, le spectateur est plongé dans le même espace que celui des deux musiciens. Le clarinettiste est m
Prešernova 2017 in jubilejno Plečnikovo leto na Češkem

Prešernova 2017 in jubilejno Plečnikovo leto na Češkem

ARS Kulturna panorama, 21. januar 2017 ― Tokrat v tedenskem pregledu najprej izpostavljamo oba prejemnika Prešernove nagrade in nagrajence Prešernovega sklada, predstavili vam bomo, kaj v letošnjem jubilejnem Plečnikovem letu o arhitektu pripravljajo na Češkem, govorimo o dveh ta teden odprtih likovnih razstavah del Andraža Šalamuna in Valentina Omana, analizirali pa smo tudi stanje v KSEVT-u po nedavnem odstopu v.d. direktorja. Začel […]
Na hitro prelistano: Novosti na domačem knjižnem trgu

Na hitro prelistano: Novosti na domačem knjižnem trgu

Misli, 21. januar 2017 ― Pri mariborski založbi Litera so izdali pesniško zbirko Toneta Dodleka z naslovom Tilak in pesniški prvenec Tonje Jelen Pobalinka. Javni sklad RS za kulturne dejavnosti je izdal zgodbe priznanega slovaškega literata Dušana Duška Jajčka vseh velikosti, založba Miš pa mladinsko delo Tine Arnuš Pupis Za devetimi drevesi.

V CD koprodukcijska Vojna in mir z večnimi temami človeštva

SiGledal, 21. januar 2017 ― V Gallusovi dvorani Cankarjevega doma bodo ob 20. uri premierno uprizorili koprodukcijsko predstavo Vojna in mir, nastalo po monumentalnem romanu ruskega pisatelja. Za oder ga je priredil v Franciji živeči romunski režiser Silviu Purcarete. Predstava po mnenju snovalcev sporoča, da v človeštvu obstajajo večni fenomeni, ki se ne spreminjajo.

Prestolnico bodo zavzeli Bobri z rekordnimi 225 dogodki

SiGledal, 21. januar 2017 ― S projekcijo animiranega filma Bučko švicarskega režiserja Claudea Barrasa se bo ob 16. uri v Slovenskem mladinskem gledališču (SMG) začel 9. ljubljanski festival kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje Bobri. Za film je še na voljo nekaj brezplačnih vstopnic kot tudi za nekaj drugih prireditev festivala, ki bo na temo večkulturnosti potekal do 8. februarja.
še novic