ZEK Crew, 30. april 2009 ― ZEK is proud to be featured in the Klebstoff magazine, a magazine constisting of nothing but stickers. Original concept and some great artists inside!

Evaluating the rules

Via Negativa, 22. april 2009 ― How much stuff do you do for free? We've all been there... Doing something just for the love of it, because it represents a challenge, trying to help people out, working to obtain new skills or to gain respect in a community. This trend is well known in both software and academics. Thousands of coders from around the world have built (and are building) systems that can achieve a lot more than corporate software created by industry giants. How can a home made aircraft shoot down an F-18 ? Passion. People doing stuff because they love to, not because they have to.

ponedeljek, 20. 4. 2009, ob 20.00, POGOVORI V VELIKI ČITALNICI NUK, "OBRAZ ZA KNJIGO"

NUK, 17. april 2009 ― - dr. Marko Marinčič in dr. Brane Senegačnik Gosta četrtega pogovornega večera, ki ga pripravlja Gorazd Kocijančič bosta dr. Marko Marinčič (Filozofska fakulteta) in dr. Brane Senegačnik (Filozofska fakulteta, glavni urednik Nove revije). Tema pogovora bo starogrški dramatik Ajshil – ob novih prevodih njegovih tragedij - Oresteje, ki jo je prevedel M. Marinčič (2009), in Pribežnic, ki jih je prevedel B. Senegačnik (2009).


ZEK Crew, 16. april 2009 ― We received the ‘DOS winter recognition 2009‘ (Priznanje četrtletja) for 3fs office graphics. DOS is the Designers Society of Slovenia. Thank you.
še novic