Lina Bautista & Manu Retamero: Fantasía

PIFcamp, 25. julij 2022 ― “As audio lovers, we enjoy developing sound-making tools, and we feel very lucky to have amazing community-driven tools at our disposal, that enable us to easily learn about creative design,” explain Lina and Manu. “To give back to the community we are constantly learning from, we focus on making our own designs available during workshops … Continue reading Lina Bautista & Manu Retamero: Fantasía The post Lina Bautista & Manu Retamero: Fantasía appeared first on PIFcamp.

Bo na Ptuju zrasel tudi center sodobne umetnosti?

Štajerski tednik, 25. julij 2022 ― Ptujčani in obiskovalci si lahko v tem času ogledajo številne razstave 20. festivala sodobne umetnosti Art Stays pod skupnim naslovom Postprodukcija, ki bodo na ogled do 18. septembra. Jerneja Forbicija, direktorja festivala in umetniškega vodjo, smo vprašali, kako so v KUD Art Stays zadovoljni z letošnjim festivalom in spremljajočim festivalskim dogajanjem.
Filmske počitnice v Hiši Kulture v Sv. Antonu

Filmske počitnice v Hiši Kulture v Sv. Antonu

Kino Otok, 25. julij 2022 ― Med 11 . in 15. 7. 2022 smo izvedli še ene filmske počitnice! V Hiši Kulture v Sv. Antonu, so otroci med 6. in 14. letom, preživeli pet dni ob gledanju filmov, diskusijah, razgibavanju domišljije ob ustvarjalnih filmskih delavnicah. Ustvarjanje je potekalo v tesnem sožitju...

Iván Paz & Julia Múgica: Wavetable workshop

PIFcamp, 25. julij 2022 ― Sound synthesis is awesome! Data is awesome, too. It presents the way we store our observations of the world we live in. Wavetable is a sound synthesis technique used to create periodic waveforms by using data. Today, our portable machines are way more powerful than the first machines used for the wavetable synthesis, and they … Continue reading Iván Paz & Julia Múgica: Wavetable workshop The post Iván Paz & Julia Múgica: Wavetable workshop appeared first on PIFcamp.

Brainwave Synth for Acoustic Instruments

PIFcamp, 25. julij 2022 ― Alicia Champlin is working on a hybrid digital-acoustic instrument using a handmade OpenBCI EEG headset along with her own MaxMSP live/realtime data sonification application for EEG data, as a partial input to a modified bow chime (somewhat styled after the Robert Rutman projects). The outcome is drone music from mechanically amplified bowed cymbals in a … Continue reading Brainwave Synth for Acoustic Instruments The post Brainwave Synth for Acoustic Instruments appeared first on PIFcamp.

Niklas Reppel: Fieldcoding

PIFcamp, 25. julij 2022 ― Fieldcoding = field recording + live coding music Here are some of Niklas Reppel’s thoughts on the practice:“In the end, the computer is an extension of ourselves, so bringing it to natural environments isn’t an attempt to ‘technologize’ nature, but just bringing our extended eyes, ears, and mind with us, even if it can sometimes … Continue reading Niklas Reppel: Fieldcoding The post Niklas Reppel: Fieldcoding appeared first on PIFcamp.

Alegorija športa v Sokolskem domu

Loški muzej, 25. julij 2022 ― Osrednjo dvorano Sokolskega doma Škofja Loka krasi monumentalna slika Alegorija športa akademskega slikarja in restavratorja Mirka Šubica, ki jo je umetnik daljnega leta 1921 po naročilu izdelal prav za novozgrajeno stavbo Sokolskega doma.

Živa, a set of tools for SuperCollider

PIFcamp, 25. julij 2022 ― Live coding music is for everyone! Živa is a toolset for easy live coding in SuperCollider. During Roger Pibernat’s workshop we’ll be covering everything needed to setup a live coding environment and start playing cool music – in minutes! We’ll start with the installation process, then learn to set up the environment and go through … Continue reading Živa, a set of tools for SuperCollider The post Živa, a set of tools for SuperCollider appeared first on PIFcamp.

Entangled perception

PIFcamp, 25. julij 2022 ― »If the word cyborg – cybernetic organism – describes a fusion between a living organism and a piece of technology, then we, like all other life-forms are symborgs, or symbiotic organisms.« Enhancing sym-cy- orgian aspects of existence, Efe Di will be developing a wearable »sensory organ« containing intimate co-habitation between mycelium, electronics and human. Mycelial … Continue reading Entangled perception The post Entangled perception appeared first on PIFcamp.
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