31. marec 2017
― O maj, ti maj! Pa smo v mesecu, ki nima črke r - in vsi veste, kaj to pomeni. En kup zvezdnih večerov in koncertov z vseh koncev sveta, Evrope in
domovine. Pridejo Poljaki, Italijani, Švedi - ha! - in Ganci - haha! - in prulski maj bo posut z bluesom, rockom, jazzom, indie popom, funkom in nasploh povsem majskim norenjem - kar
dva torka pa bomo prepustili vam in vašemu talentu. O maj, ti maj!
2.5. tor / Lilly Hates Roses (PL)
3.5. sre / Mr No Money (IT)
4.5. čet / Buh Blues Project
5.5. pet / Lube Duše
8.5. pon / Two Year Vacation (SWE)
9.5. tor / Prulček ima talent
10.5. sre / Infuzija Funk
11.5. čet / The Jammocrats
12.5. pet / Hulahoop
15.5. pon /
Troet Band
- odpovedan
16.5. tor / Manca Berlec + Prulček ima talent
17.5. sre / Mabiisi (Ghana)
18.5. čet / Mart
19.5. pet / Concrete Jelly (IT)
22.5. pon / Supersunset
23.5. tor / Shadows Play
24.5. sre / Spoji - Počeni Škafi
25.5. čet / Fish on Mars + Bojan Marsetič
26.5. pet / Stino
29.5. pon / Seul Océan
30.5. tor / Prulček ima talent
31.5. sre / Spoji - David Mozetič kvartetZačetek koncertov ob 21:00Organizacija programa: Rok Škrlj, Julijan Erič, KZ Prule, ◬ Na začetek
2.5. tor / Lilly Hates Roses (PL)
It’s an indie-pop duo from Poland. Their music is a mixture of indie and folk with a little bit of avant-garde electronics, accompanied by melancholic and personal lyrics. The band was established in 2012 and since then was has completed 8 concert tours that covered 12 countries (USA, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Ireland, UK, Estonia, Latvia, Croatia and Poland).The band’s career is one of those remarkable success stories that take the audience by surprise. Their very first single „Youth" made its debut on the legendary Seattle KEXP radio and was also noticed by NME.After that the band gave a memorable performance at the Open’er Festival, and Victorius Festival two of the most significant music festivals in Europe, along with such greats as Nick Cave, Arctic Monkeys, Blur or The National, The Flaming Lips. At the