20. marec 2017
Spoken word - odprt oder
21.12.2017 ob 19:00Kje: Slomšek square
Nastop mimoidočih, iščočih, upajočih, upornih, prodornih, zgovornih, navdihujočih. Mikrofon je vaš!
Vsakdo ima svojo zgodbo. Morda svojo pesem. Misel, ki ga navdihuje in navdušuje. Vdih, izdih, pogum! Stopite na oder in spregovorite. Na Slomškovem trgu v svetlobi Ane Lumine je oder en večer odprt za vse. Delite z nami tisto, kar vas veseli, ali pa tisto, kar bi radi spremenili. V mestu, v svetu … Spoken Word je skupnost, ki raste, skupnost, ki zagovarja svobodo govora. Zgodba, pesem ali misel zaživi, ko nagovori ljudi.
---- ENG
Spoken word - open stage
21.12.2017 ob 19:00Where: Slomšek square
For all the passers-by, the seekers, the hopeful and inspiring people, this is for you: the microphone is yours!
Everyone has their own story, maybe your own song or a thought inspired by the wonders of life. Just take a deep breath, find your courage and step on the stage to share. On Slomškov trg, in the light of Ana Lumina, this evening is open for all. Share with us your passions, the things you love or those you would like to change. In the city, in the world ... Spoken Word is a growing community, a community that advocates for freedom of speech. Your poem, your story, song, or thought comes alive the moment you share it with the others.